Exploring Career Opportunities in Concept Art
Ever wonder how those awesome-looking gaming and film titles came to be? Well, they didn’t materialize out of thin air. They’re the result of work from a lot of creatively-important professionals, including the concept designer. In fact, you can think of the concept designer as the genesis for the idea; without them, the final aesthetic just wouldn’t be possible.
If being involved in the initial development phases of game and movie projects sounds like your dream job, then good news: there’s a growing demand for concept industries in all creative industries, particularly the gaming industry, which is projected to experience significant growth in the coming decade.
In this post, you’ll find a bunch of helpful tips that can make your dream of working as a creative in a dynamic, exciting industry all the more realistic. Let’s dive in.
What is Concept Design?
A concept designer plays an important role in the development of a creative project. They usually help to come up with ideas that shape the vision of the project. While the details and final product will evolve, it’s the concept design team that is credited with the origin of the idea.
You’ll find concept design teams in a wide range of industries, most notably video games, movies, and design.
The Importance of Concept Design
Concept design doesn’t just get the ball rolling for a creative project. It has a significant impact on the final look and feel of the final product. Indeed, take a look back at concept design once a project has been completed, and you’ll usually see just how influential the original concept has been. To see an example of this, take a look at the original concept art behind Pixar’s Toy Story. Career Opportunities in Concept Design
Concept design is a broad field that offers several different paths. Some common career opportunities include:
Concept Artist: Developing the look of characters.
3D Modeling: Developing the rendered look of the concept.
Environment Designer: Development of the wider aesthetic.